KMcontacts is a b2b database featuring an online research engine which enables you to find individual records of over 20,000 executives and decision makers from 4,000 Italian production companies with a turnover of over € 10 m.
The industry sectors (These production companies) are: from the automotive, farming- machinery and equipment, durable goods for the home, industrial electronics, industrial machinery, household consumer durables, footwear, food & beverage, , eyewear and plastic processing industries. Our particular focus is on companies producing durable goods for the home and everything that revolves around it: electrical systems, air conditioning and heating systems, household appliances, lighting systems, furnishings, design components, bathroom furnishings, windows and doors, floor tiles and wooden flooring.
KMcontacts’ information is gathered through periodical telemarketing update campaigns based on companies and management’s records of top international databases and industry trade fairs.
To register, just click on the link under the log in field and fill in the required fields. By declaring that you have read and understood the terms and conditions of use, you will be entitled to a free trial of our database. Activate your account by clicking on the link you have received on the email address you have provided. Log in through the relevant field and proceed with the demo. Once your trial is over, your account will automatically be disabled.
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Digit leading characters of company name or look at the list
Advanced research
Ricerca per provincia o settore di mercato o prodotto o numero minimo di impiegati o fatturato minimo
Search by province or market segment or product or minimum number of employees or minimum turnover
Look in the data
Accedi ai dati generali (città, fatturato..) ed ai contatti (nominativo, ruolo, email…)
Access general data (city, turnover…) and contacts (name, role, email…)